Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Toms Shoes: Creativity Unleashed 2

One of my favorites things about TOMS Shoes is how the company encourages buyers to "style your sole." Every pair of Toms has the opportunity to become completely unique and personal to each owner. I thought time was long past due to display some photos of fun Toms!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Toms Shoes Resolutions

The first month of the year is often filled with the sound of everyone declaring their New Years resolutions on a whim. At first it is awesome, but come the end of the year those some people are making the same resolutions, which they will fail at yet again. No fear, this cycle is easily broken! You simply need to make a resolution you are passionate about, or you can do what my friend did and make it your resolution to watch everyone fail at theirs, but I think the first option is so much better. What are some of the New Years resolutions you have? Leave a comment and let me know?

My 2010 resolution: Spread the word about TOMS Shoes, and help children in need!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Toms Shoes Helping in Haiti

TOMS Shoes is reaching out to help the people of Haiti. They are going above and beyond their one-for-one moto. They recognize that the first 48 hour of a disaster are key, that is why for 48 hours they are donating $5 for every one-for-one product sold. This offer is ending Friday at 10am so you need to go grab your shoes fast. Make a difference in the lives of the people of Haiti. Toms Shoes has also planned for over 30,000 shoe to be given in Haiti this February in an effort to help rebuilding efforts.